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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 25th. July 1785 I have recd. your Letter of the 23rd. this Evening & desire you will for the future only write by the Southside Post or the Waggons for by the Northside Post I find we frequently lose Two Days but most commonly one Days time is lost. The under Sheriff will I doubt not do what is necessary as to excusing the attendance of Mr. P. Mulcaster. I perfectly understand your sketch for saving solder but desire that the whole of the Water wch. will run into the Lead Gutter may be made to fall into the High Mill Conduit down the hole in the Pillar. The Weather is and has been exceedingly favourable for our works and we are glad to see every thing going on so well. We are however sorry you have got into an error by letting your Meadow stand too long. It has been a general error thro’ the whole Country. This neither a satisfaction nor a justification of your proceedings as to the Hay Harvest. Our Hay is all in Stack and our Oats and Wheat beginning to turn. I have wrote to forward the Chains with all expedition. I am Your Humble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr.