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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 25th July 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 22nd. Inst & approve of your conduct respecting Lipwood Estate and are of opinion the Coates’s are taking quite a wrong method by say[in]g any thing about what they are bid if it is in expectation of stimulating us. All we have to say upon the occasion is this. The Estate is well situated for Greenwich Hospital and therefore if they will ask a fair price such as we think we can recommend we shall most certainly advise a Purchase being made but not otherwise as Greenwich Hospital can do exceedingly well without the Estate for as it does not lye intermixed with the Lands of the Hospital we do not see any very particular inconvenience in wanting it, we mean in not getting it. Nothing more under the present circumstance can in our Opinion be done respecting the Ore Carriage than what is proposed by you and Messrs. Temperley & Friend. Wm. Howdon got a Pig of <Lit[harge?]> Lead 28 June 1783 which we do not seem to have <recets.> for unless the 18s which we recd of you the 20 Octobr. for 1 Cwt 14 lbs of Lead was for that Pig. We desire to be informed of this as soon as possible. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner