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Messrs Mulcaster Farnacres 25th. April 1783 I have your Letter of the 19th. wth. the Operation in which I find you have set down 140 pieces of Refined Slag Lead marked O instead of 240 & I have allowed the Operation accordingly. The report you have made is proper as to the Lead which is missing at the Mill. I believe all the Lead is come in that is expected & it appears to me to be short Nine pieces but as to this I cannot be certain. I have got yr. Acct. of Lead delivered and also an Acct. from the <Warden> of the Quantities delivered by each carrier there. The covering of the Lead Yards had best be <let alone> determining upon ‘till we come to the Mill but I believe it will be by far the best way. I am Your Hble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr.