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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24 Nov. 1783 We duly recd. your two Letters of the 6th. & 3 Letters of the 7th. 10th. & 15th. together with Thos. Temperley’s Colliery Accts to the 8th. inst. We shall take the first Opportunity of laying the matter as to the Smoke and School House before the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital. The Silver came safe to hand and weighed 715 Ounces only. We are glad to see the Reducing still go on well. <We recd.> the Assays along wth. yours of the 7th. but observe there is <a Misnomer>, Nentsberry Sun Vein shd. be Nentsberry <Greens> Sun Vein, but by way of <keeping> you right as to this we send you inclosed a List of all the Lead Mines in Alston Moor that are worked, or sometimes have been lately worked. As the Weather has been rather better lately we hope the Ore will be got in, & that Mr. Walton’s <Calculation> will be exceded. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. The <sooner> we receive the Operation for Nov. the <more agreeable. The price of Refined Lead is now £17 5s but expected to rise. Silver per Ounce 6s/oz or thereabouts, expected to Be rising