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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24th. March 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 22nd. & 23rd. Inst. It certainly will be right (and indeed wd. be very wrong otherwise) to pay the Lead Carriers 12 d per piece ’til the time they had Notice of our beginning to carry to Dukes Hall, and all the rest of the Lead to be pd. for at the rate of 11 ½. We are perfectly satisfied that there must have been a Mistake concerning the Assay for the last Operation, and think it must have been in the weighing, but as we had entered the Assays in the Assay Book before we recd. your Letter, and put them in Bulk wth. the rest into a little Box which we keep for the purpose, we cannot now weigh them, and we are quite satisfied with the Operation tho’ it still falls short 17 Oz. 16 dwt. 12 Grs. of the Assay by Computation. What you propose as to the having the Lead Mill pay on the 19th. & the Lead Carriage pay on the 20th. for the reasons you give we entirely approve. It gives us much pleasure to hear that the new Stamp Mill is at last going on well, and we hope even tho’ the <Shillboards> are too narrow, that it will be found to be the best Stamp Mill in the Country after all. You may expect to receive a Ream of paper by Monday’s Carrier. Wm. Coates who is now here gives the same Acct. as you do as to Haydon Bridge Lead Mine. We approve of yr. having paid the <Fore T… L…s> Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner