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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 24 Decr. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 21st & 22nd Inst. and are obliged by the Intimation you gave concern[in]g the Death of poor Thornton. We observe that 21 Bolls. of Rye have been forwarded to Nent Force Level which we shall take Care to pay for. We are sorry that Thos. Wood has come, we are afraid, too soon, but we cannot help that now. Mr. Walton perfectly understands the Sketch which you have sent, and did before from Mr. James Mulcaster’s description clearly conceive how it was, and sees it to be impossible for the Water Wheel to take the Water in the manner it has been done, we however hope that Thomas Wood will be enabled to set it so far right as to make it answer. We shall not be able to send you a Chair ’til abt. the Second Week in January. Mr Walton desires you will acquaint him whether he did not pay you the follow[in]g Sums when you were last at Farnacres. viz For Matthew Temperley being an over Receiving for Coals etc. at Stublick Colliery £- - 7 For a Short payment made you on recet. of Jas. Johnson’s Pig of Lead £1 3 - Mr. Walton thinks he mention[e]d these at the time, but cannot be clear whether he pd. you the Money or not. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner