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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 23rd. Sept. 1785 On Saturday the 8th. of next Month we intend being at Langley Mill in the Evening, shall stay there ’til the next Day after Dinner, and then go to Alston. On Sunday the 16th. of that Month we propose dining at Langley Mill, shall hold Haydon Bridge Court the next Day, & return to the Mill. The Day following set out in the Morning towards Wark. On Sunday the 23rd. of the same Month we propose again dining with you. On Monday the 24th. settle Blagill & Langley Mill & the Stublick Colliery & Lime Kiln Accts. Tuesday the 25th. make Blagill & Langley Mill pays for the Buildings. Wednesday the 26th. make Lead Mill Stublick Colliery & Lime Kiln Pays. Thursday the 27th. settle what may remain unfinished & leave Langley Mill that Afternoon. We have recd. your Letter of the 21st. Inst this Morning and are glad to find you have got the Reducing Furnace Door Plates. You say you have wrote to Mr. Harvey and desired him to forward a Letter & the Model for the Stamp Heads to Mr. Menkham at Hexham, and that you thought this was the safest way of their not miscarrying because you understood that Mr. Menkham does not now live at Newcastle. We shall therefore write to Mr. Harvey to desire that the Letter & Model may be forwarded to Mr. Menkham at Bury Cottage. The Sum you are to receive of Mr. Thornton is £52. 10s - which we hope will serve ’til the time of the Pay, but if it will not, the sooner you let us know what you want the better. We have dreadful Weather, but are very much pleased that you have got on your work so well notwithstanding, and we have no doubt the Slating is now finished. There will be no occasions to get any more Slates this Season from West Allen. We have ordered Thos. Wood to send half a hundred Deals. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner