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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 23rd. July 1785 This morning I have recd. your Letters of the 18th. and 20th. of July Inst. You have mistaken the matter a little regarding the Lead Carriage. The Agreement you have made or rather what Mr. Pattinson agrees to take is 10d. per piece to Throckley. The Lane leading from the Turnpike to Newburn is on the East side of Throckley Ground so the agreement must be to carry the Lead to the Waggon Way which is East of Wallbottle Dean Bridge and this Waggon Way is in Newbottle Ground which belongs to the Duke of Northumberland and is about ½ a Mile East from the Lane End abovement[ione]d. I have no doubt the Carriers will take the Lead to this place at 10d. a piece but they must not begin to carry ‘till I see Mr. Bedlington again and fix every thing and order Tickets for him. A Man lives constantly at the place of delivery who writes an excellent Hand and takes an Acct. of the Waggons. Nothing must yet be said to the Newcastle Carriers but perhaps it may be as well for their price to continue at 12d. till further & then we shall be able the better to Judge. James Johnsons people had actually got hold of 20 Casks of Bone Ashes. Yesterday we wrote you fully about the Plumber who certainly has behaved either like a Knave or a Blockhead. The Ashes and Scummings shd. be weighed both before and after being washed. I am glad the Bellows are safe arrived and Under Cover & that the Wood is come from Shankfoot. Thomas Wood was here on Thursday and has had directions to get the Chain made at Newcastle or Gateshead by Mr. Hawks. I am Your Humble Servt. Nich. Walton Junr.