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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 23rd. April 1784 As the Newcastle Election does not begin ‘till the 26th. we shall only come to receive the Rents at Hexham on the 28th. & 29th. Instant and return immediately afterwards to this place that is on Friday Morning; so that we shall not go to Alston or Keswick till after the Summer is well advanced. The Lead Carriers Pay must be upon the 12th. May Mill &c 13th. Do. instead of the 10th. & 11th. as we shall have a Sale of Wood the 11th. at Hexham. We shall expect to see you both as also Thomas Temperley either on the 28th. or 29th. inst to dine with us at Hexham and all three must be at Hexham on Friday Morning the 30th. inst to take the Cash up to the Mill for the Pay. The 3 Cakes of Silver weighed 874 Ounces as follows. From Ore Lead 332 From Slag Lead 311 From Litharge &c Lead 231 874 Ounces The Lead Carriage Acct. according to the delivery at the Mill is come to hand and we seem to want 1210 pieces or did so before yesterday morning but there were some pieces delivered to Mr. Watson at Hexham as we recollect 20 pieces but cannot be certain, however we can find out by writing to him & we shall do so. We suppose there is no Lead on the Road but only at Newburn. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner PS. We wish to have the Lead Mill Pay and Thomas Temperleys Pay BIlls delivered to us at Hexham & let Thomas know that the Nent Force Level Pay must be let alone till further. We shall also want <Grindon> Quarry Level Pay Bill. Refined Lead £17.5.- per Fodder Silver 5 8 ½ per Ounce.