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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 22nd. Nov. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 19th. 20th. & 21st. Inst, and have now got the Receipts wch. Mr. Thornton signed and delivered to you, and we are glad to hear he is better. We will take care to order the Iron so as to come by Fridays Carrier. We return you the Letter concerning the Notice, and we find it was our Mistake and not yours, as the Letter ought to have been as you now receive it. We have rec’d. Matthew Temperley’s 2 last Weeks Coal & Cinder Accounts. What you propose as to the manner of making out the Lead Ore Carriage Account is perfectly agreeable to us, and will save a great deal of Trouble both to you and us, and be likely to prevent Mistakes. We return you the Form with some Alterations wch. we thought necessary. You are desired to assist Mr. Sample in examining the Register for the Chapelry of Haydon, and to copy out every thing which may relate to the Family of the Maggses, Magges, McGees, and Macgees, and to do the same at the Parish Church of Warden, but before you examine the Parish Church of Warden Register, send us what you find in the Haydon Chapel Register. We are Your Hble Servts Walton & Turner PS. You need not go further back than 1600 - and we doubt the Register will scarce allow you to do that. James & David Pigg having taken Westbrokensheugh Farm, you are desired to let us know whether they both live at Page Croft.