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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 22nd. June 1784 We have recd. your Letters of the 19th. & 20th. instant & cannot help being in great fear about the Elm Pumps because if they were exposed to the Sun they would be liable to split and if they did they are spoiled, we however hope no harm was done & that they are now safe from harm by the action of the Air or Sun Beams. It is proposed to lay that part of the Hagbank to Sillywray Farm which lies on the South side of the Road to Plankey which is 21 Acres so Sillywray Farm will be bigger than it was by near Six Acres, and we intend the remaining part of Plankey Pasture to go with Vauce & Loaning foot Farm. We certainly have a right of Wayleave for every purpose paying the Tenants for damage of Ground but it would be unreasonable to take any part of a Mans Farm from him even tho’ a few Yards without his leave and we doubt not T. Armstrong will be agreeable to give us leave to shift the Fence so as to <vest> the standing of the Wall and desire Mr. Thornton may make immediate application to him for that purpose; if he shd. refuse we have a right by the Lease to win Stones lead them and build a Fence where we have a mind but notwithstanding we would not wish to take any thing from the Tenant of Harsondale without first giving him an opportunity of being civil to us. We have no objection to Thorntons having the management as to Building the Stone Wall but must expect that you see to have things done so as to suit you & to be perfectly agreeable to yourselves so you will take care to look to that and let us know if you find yourselves in any difficulty respecting this & at all events take care to have the Wall of such dimensions as to answer the end proposed. We observe you have followed our directions as to the giving the persons who assisted in extinguishing the Fire at Langley Mill two half Barrels of Ale and are glad they were pleased. We doubt not yr. attention to any particulars which may lead to a discovery how the Fire happened. We are Yr. Hble Servants Walton & Turner