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Messrs. Mulcaster, Farnacres 22nd Augt. 1783 We have recd. your two Letters of the 7th. and of the 2oth. inst, and approve of your postponing the Trial of Lough Vein Ore for the reasons you have given. As to the Fruit we hope you contrived to get it eaten before it was spoiled, & shall be perfectly satisfied if you did so. It is desired that Wm. Lamb may set out for Keswick on Wednesday morning next and on his arrival at Keswick he is desired to apply to Joseph Crosthwaite the Miller of Keswick Mills <and> in case of his absence to Mr. <Atkinson> at the Sign of the Royal Oak, and they will direct him where his horse is to be grazed. We shall write to Mr. <Wren> by this Night’s Post and <desire him to have every thing for Lamb when he arrives that he may have no Stops. We are not quite certain whether the <ore …..> not be <made Langley ………. by weight than to ………… in 3 pieces …. Therefore we> think it will be right for Wm. Lamb to take <12 packs> with him. In case it <… appears he> has a hard Bargain you may depend upon <………..> a proper allowance, and with regard to his Loss of Ore Carriage for the time that must be made up by <John Friend in the manner you ……tion> When Lamb goes over desire that he will <take a look at the other things which he will not <have > to carry to see if there is any thing like Lead Ore in them; but on further considering this <perhaps> it will be in the best way to bring every thing <off …. except the flooring wch we observe as is valued at £2 pr Ton and as the whole will weigh just 20 cwt & 25 Lbs, when we will take up the whole, and the F….. will ……. …. …. ….. the other oiled.> [Possibly part of same letter copied to a separate sheet and passed in after the previous:] Minerals &c now to be <pickup> cwt <Mixture> of Litharge Lead Ore viz 1/2 in one poke Lead ore 7 in 7 pokes Compound <Mixtures> 1/2 in one poke 8 to be carried by 4 Horses Remainder of Compound Mixtures 4 cwt 25 to be carried by 2 Horses Copper Mixture 3 1/2 cwt in 4 pokes Regular & other Mixtures 1/2 in one poke 4 to be carried by 2 Horses Remainder of Regular & other mixtures 4 cwt to be carried by 2 horses. And as we would wish also to have a Tryal made of the flooring one other Horse must be taken to be bring 2 cwt of it & if it is worth while we can send for the remaining Ton. In this way of settling the matter <13/15> horses will be required and consequently the sum in proportion to number of Horses will be instead of 23s 55s. If Lamb has not Horses he must get somebody to join him to make up the whole number <11>. And you must give a strict charge to keep every thing in the pokes as they received it & take care yourselves to empty every poke separately when they come to the Lead Mill so that the sorts which belong to each other may be paid together. Particular charge shd be given to the Man to mark the two pokes which have the flooring in for as to all the rest they seem to speak for themselves how they are to be laid. As clear directions for the package the inclosed paper is sent which may be delivered to Lamb and a duplicate is sent to Mr Wren. We are very glad that the Produce of Refined Lead still continues good. <We also approve of your observations into Mr Lamb ……> and we are your Hble servts Walton & Turner PS We have recd your <Till …> acct