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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 21 March 1786 As we apprehend it will be more convenient to you, as well as ourselves, to alter the time of the Pay, we think it necessary to give you the earliest Information that we intend to be at Langley Mill on the 12th. of May against Dinner at Three o’ Clock and stay wth. you the whole of the 13th. & on the 14th. ’til after Dinner. On the 17th. shall return to Langley Mill in the Evening & on the 18th. 19th. & 20th. be ready to make the Lead Mill and Lead Carriage Pay; you are therefore desired to fix the Lead Mill Pay and Lead Carriage Pay on any two of those three Days wch. you think will suit best, and so as to suit the Lead Carriers as also those who are connected wth. the Lead Mill pay, and let us know. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner