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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 21 Augt. 1785 We have recd. your Letter of the 19th inst, and are obliged by the intimation you have given us with respect to some of the Company being in the Country. Mr. Walton saw the Governor & a Gentleman with him who, he understands, is a Director, at Newcastle on Monday Evening last, & the two last Letters sent to Thomas Temperley, one forwarded by John Elliot & the other by the Ore Carriers, inclosed two Letters for the Governor of the Quakers Company on the Subjects we mentioned to you, viz. About using Tickets, washing their Ore better, and not paying for the raising of any Ore ’til after washed and weighed; and those Letters we doubt not wd. be deliv[ere]d to the Governor himself by Mr. Temperley. We are sorry to find that you fear the Wet Weather will hurt the new Walls. If the Masons think it necessary to take any part down and rebuild it, we desire that may be done. You are therefore desired to consult with them on this Subject. We are now glad to observe that the Reducing Chimney is got finished, that the Joists are laid for the Coal & Lime Houses, that the Mill Wrights have begun to take down the Machinery for the Blagill Mill, and that the Slaters have begun slating the New Refinery. We are Your Hble Servts Walton & Turner