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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20 May 1785 Your Letters of the 14th, & 18th. inst are now before us. The Silver from the Slag Lead weighed 333 1/2 oz and the Silver from the rich Litharge Slags &c 219 552 1/2 oz We cannot help thinking Mr. Jobling’s Behaviour as well as that of Lowes to be very extraordinary, but shall rest that matter ’til we come to the Mill. We have recd. the Coal & Cinder Accounts. We are glad to hear that the Works are getting on so well, and as Thomas Wood came here about ½ hour after we rec’d. your last Letter, we gave him Directions to send Forty Fath[om]s of Scaffolding Rope & 12 Locks by the Carrier of this Day, and to give Directions that the Deals may be sent by Mondays Carrier. As to the Nails, Spikes & <Claws>, not having seen Mr. Snowball, we cannot say any thing at present concerning them. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. Mr. Walton has seen Mr. Ralph Harrison and ordered the Cast Iron, but which Mr. Harrison says must be 12s/- per Cwt.