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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th. June 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 16th. Inst and Yesterday wrote desiring to have 129 Pieces of Slag Lead of any kind sent to Newcastle as soon as possible. The Rent of the Sillywray Closes we have fixed at £9. 10. but doubt we must expect Interest for the Fencing which will be necessary, which we observe will be 75 Roods at 8s. say £30 which will bring the Farm to £11 per Annum, the sooner you agree the Building the Wall the better including Wining [sic] and Carriage to John Elliot. The Building by such person as you judge best. We are glad Thos. Temperley is not much hurt. We are Yr. Hble Servts Walton & Turner