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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th. July 1784 We have recd. your Letters of the 16th. & 19th. Inst and are very much obliged to you on account of your attention to the Lipwood Estate business. You may be assured we shall not take it upon any Terms without being well advised as to the Title and thank you for that hint. We would not by any means have you think it necessary to make a secret to the Coats’s of our wish to purchase and we wd. have you therefore tell them that you have reason given you to think that the sooner they set a price such as they think a fair one the more likely it will be to have us purchase. After all that is said tho’ we are desirous to purchase we will not give more for the Estate than we think it worth for notwithstanding its being connected to the Hospitals Estate yet there will be no real inconvenience in wanting it. It will not be amiss for you to let Mr. Thornton see the part of our Letter which we are now writing that relates to Lipwood and to consult together from time to time about this business and he will then be of the same way of thinking as you and act accordingly if anything falls in his way. What you propose and what Messrs. Temperley and Friend are doing respecting the Ore Carriage will we flatter ourselves bring the matter properly forward & we must now wait for their report and shall also be glad to have yr. Sentiments after you have seen Thomas Temperley on his return from Alston. The Slag Lead will come in time. You may let Atkinson have Lead. If he has any difficulty about getting it carried from Hexham let us know. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner