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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th Decem[be]r 1785 We only rec’d. your Letter of the 15th. Inst yesterday Morning and instead of it being left at Arthur Robsons it was left at Mr. <Bargetts> at Gateshead where of all places we wish the least to have our Letters left, indeed we believe the Letter did not come by the South side Post. The Vouchers for this Lead Ore carriage are right and we return you the letter given for the amount thereof to be destroyed. You receive herewith a Recet for £37. 9. 2 which you are desired to sign & return to this place and we send you Recet. for Nich. Woodman and Joshua Elliot which you’ll be so good as deliver to them & we thank you for yr. attention to the receiving of their Money for us. We very much approve of what you have done and said about the Cutting Ore and think with you that neither John Friend nor Thomas Temperley have attended to the business as they ought to have done or as we had occasion to request. If we cannot dispose of the Iron we shall send the whole to Langley Mill and give directions how it is to be disposed of. The principal part may go to Nent Force Level. You receive herewith the Recets. of Materials sold the Blagill Co. amounting to £42. 6. 7 which Sum we must desire Mr. John Mulcaster to <……..> for us at the Blagill Co. Pay & do you receive it of him & keep an exact Copy of the Valuation. We observe what you say about poor Thornton and are truly concerned that his recovery still continues without hope. We shall be glad to hear Johns Son is getting better & are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. At any convenient Time pray forward the inclosed. We are very sorry for James Johnsons misfortune.
Copy letter poorly legible in parts.