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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 20th. December 1785. We have this Evening recd. your Letters of the 16th. & !9th. Inst and are struck with astonishment by the Account you give as to the Stamp Mill. We shall send for Thomas Wood and send him immediately to the Mill and will not pay him a Six Pence more ‘till he sets everything right and probably never employ him again. Matt. Temperley’s Accounts <T….d pays> with Recets. from the Mill Wrights to the amount of £55. 13. 6 (for which Sum you have our Recet. inclosed). Also Thomas Woods Mens Accounts, are all come safe. We are perfectly satisfied that Mr. Thornton accounted for the £14. - so that matter is set right & the sooner Mr. Thornton is acquainted the better. Do you not think it would be proper to advertise the lost Lead? or will it be better to let it alone ‘till the Pay? If the Carriers have it, they may bring it to the Lead Yard if we don’t Advertise it but if we Advertise, it may put them on Searching it to make up after deficiencies in case they shd. be put upon looking into their Accounts before the Carriage is finished. Your Opinion is desired. What you intend in future is quite proper by way of precaution. Willm. Corbett has had the impudence to apply for Mr. Thornton’s place. It is much more likely he will get an appointment in Morpeth Gaol than <succeed>. He says Mr. Thornton is quite exhausted; we are sorry for it and expect to hear every day of his Death. Be so good as to let us hear from you about him. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner