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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 2nd. October 1783 We have rec’d. yours of the 27th & 30th Ult. The Cake of Bullion is arrived but only weighs 770 Ounces, and, compared with the Assay, the Cake is 47oz 13dwts 18Gs short of the Assay, which is rather uncommon for by most of your operations for some time past we have exceeded the Assay, but we are glad to see that the Reducing <goes on very> well. We approve of the <Contract> with Henry <Astley>. As the Nent Force Level Men seem desirous to have Rye we wish them or any <others> of our Workmen who desire it supplied with Rye as long as the Ore Carriage goes on. We now hope that Mr. Walton’s Calculation of 3500 Bings for this year will be <made …… than with ……..> as we observe you had got near 2600 Bings on the 27 Ult. As the Corn is now mostly <cut>, we are wishing <to know .. .ig. Wind in a> in a proper Direction for trying the new <….m Carriages>, and hope for the best, tho’ we fear the contrary. From what we have said above you will will see that we have recd. the Assays & Thos. Temperley’s Accounts. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner