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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 2 June 1786 We have recd. your Letters of the 23rd. & 29th. Ult with Matthew Temperley’s four Weeks Coal Accounts one Cinder Acct. & the Lead Mill Operation for last Month, also 12 Assays. A Ream of Paper is ordered as also 100 Casks of Bone Ashes, and as to the Grindstone we desire you will give Directions about that yourselves. It must be sent to the care of Mr. Geo. Goodbed and he to be desired to forward it to Dukes Hall, and to give Directions to John Charlton to send it by some of our Lead Carriers who will take care of it & deliver it to you at Langley Mill. When Mr. Goodbed is wrote to <then> he must be acquainted that it is by our Direction the Grindstone is sent to our care. We will order you half a Hundred 1 ½ Inch Deals and half a Hun[dre]d 1 ¼ Inch Deals, and will order 50 of the 1 ½ Inch Deals to be slit. As to the Duty intended we believe it is ours for this year. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner