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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 2nd. July 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 25th., 28th. & 30th. now before us and after having fully considered all of the matter as to the Slates are of Opinion that it will be right to get them from Alston moor for New Reducery and Refinery as also for the new part of Blagill Mill, if you can get them of the kind that will stand and therefor especial care must be taken as to this. James Johnsons Recets. are come safe to hand. His behaviour about carriage makes it necessary to encourage others rather than him. The Weather has been so extremely hot here that we could scarcely bear it and the Springs are many of them dried up that have never before ceased running that can be remembered. What you propose as to covering the Pumps will do very well. Last evening we had a very fine Rain, but this day is Windy and Dry. The Brickmakers Account is received and we will settle that matter the first time George Turner comes here. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner