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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 2nd. Decr. 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 27 & 29 Ult. The Operation we wd. be glad to have to take in all the Ore that is expected this Season, and therefore we shall wait wth. patience til you can send us the Operation <wth. convenience>. As to the increasing of the Ore Smelters we desire that may rest til we see you here, and before you come, you must send us the full Account of all the Carriage for the year, and we will get every thing ready packed up for you against you come. We incline very strongly build the Wall you recommend, but cannot come to any determination yet further than that we desire you will begin as soon as you think proper wth. the Fence joining what you will that Incroachment, and we wd. have you begin at the Gate which we go out at in our Road to Hexham & continue it to the Gate which we go out at in our way to the Reservoir. - Silver is now at 5s/11 ¾d per Ounce & Lead still at £7.5 - refined per Fodder & both are expected to rise. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner