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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres <19> Sept. 1785 We have recd. your Letters of the 9th, 14th, 15th. & 16th inst, and are glad to hear you have recd. the Iron Plates for the Pig Holes, the new Vice, 3 Locks & some Paper, as also a Cask of Oil. The two Iron Furnace Doors Mr. Robt. Mulcaster will send as soon as possible. We must still desire to have a Model made by James Brown for the Treddle Hinges to be kept at Langley Mill til there may be occasion for it. We have wrote to Messrs. Landell & Chambers and desired them to get the Vice repaired for us, and also that they will send 9 Locks in lieu of those which you now have, all of which, after you receive the 9 new ordered, must be returned. The Acct. of Tillage Ground at Langley Mill is come to hand. We are heartily vexed on acct. of Harrison’s improper Behaviour, and in case any of the Stones are not found to stand, he must undoubtedly take them back again and cast new ones. With regard to the Quality of the Metal, I have made Enquiry and found that none of the Founders at Newcastle have any that is good at present, and we have therefore wrote to Mr. Menham desiring he will be particularly careful to pick out the best Metal he has, and to take care to cast the Stones you want as solid a possible. We are glad to hear that the Blagill Mill Wheel is got to work the Ore Mill Bellows, that the Machinery for the working of the other Bellows is fixing and that the other works are getting forward with, but are surprised that the Millwrights shd. not be able to see before now that they wd. want 2 Tons more of Oak Wood. We have wrote to Thomas Wood abt. this & expect he will do what is needful immediately. We have seen Thomas Wood since we determined to employ Mr. Menkham and desired him to get the <Judgement> from him. We are very happy to hear that you are enabled to get Stones from Black Cleugh for the purposes you mention, & approve very much of what you have done respecting this. The Grindon <…. the ……..ins> will answer sufficiently well. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner