Letter – Nicholas Walton to Peter Mulcaster – 19 Mar 1784

Document Type: Letter
Date: 19 Mar 1784
Correspondent: Nicholas Walton
Recipient: Peter Mulcaster
Archive Source: TNA ADM 66 98
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Messrs. Mulcaster						Farnacres 19 March 1784

      We have recd. your 3 Letters, two of the 15th. & one of the 17th. Inst together wth. Thos. Temperley’s three last weekly Colliery Acct.

      As it is now, we think, quite clear that you will compleat last years Ore &c so as to be ready for the Pay at the time we mentioned in our last, we shall probably fix the Pay accordingly, and desire that an Operation Paper may be made out for this Month ending the 27th. Inst, and another Operation Paper for the finishing of the working up of last years Ore to end upon the 24th. Day of April; and with respect to anything relative to the Ore of the present year, we desire that the first Operation may end upon the 29th Day of May taking in from the 24th. of the Month preceding to that time, so that, in the last mentioned Operation, you must take in any Ore which may be bro[ugh]t to Langley Mill previous to the 24th. of April or upon that Day, and set the same down in the Operation as if it was recd. after the 24th. of April, and this will shew you that you may begin smelting the new Ore when you please, only taking care to keep it within the new Account.

      We doubt not you will have remembered our Directions as to marking of the Lead produced from Ore of 1783 with 83 & that the rest of the Lead which shall be produced to the time of the ending of the Accts. 24th. April is to be alike marked, and that as soon as you begin upon the new and to the time of finishing the Accts. for the Ore of 1784, the Lead must be marked 84. The Lead produced to the time of the ending the Acct. the 24th. April must be all delivered so as to enable us to settle wth. the Lead Carriers for the Lead of 1783 distinct from any other and therefore it will be well for you to let the Carriers know that they must get the Lead to Newcastle & Newburn with[ou]t letting it lie in their Hands, by wch. means we may possibly have it in our power to make the Lead Carriage Pay the same week as the Lead Mill Pay.

      We think wth. you that Oxley has behaved improperly, but the Object is not worth making any Difficulty about.

      We are particularly obliged by your sending the Estimate shewing the value of Thortergill Syke Ore, which we shall examine, and afterwards make the proper use of.

      We have examined the Weight of the two Assays from Lough Vein Slag Lead produced at Langley Mill, and find the Weight of the two to be 55/80 ths of a Grain and as those two Assays were taken from ½ a pound of Lead each, that is equal to 3. 7. 9 per Fodder. The Assays from the Cupola Slag Lead which were taken from 2 Half pounds we have set down as weighing 27/80 ths of a Grain which is equal to 1. 15. 1, 8 per Fodder and so we have it set down in our Assay Book, so we cannot at all make out what you mean by committing a Double Error as to this for we don’t find any unless they shd. each of them weigh 27/80 ths, and we will try that tomorrow. We are 

      Your Hble Servts

      Walton & Turner

PS. Since writing the above the 2 Assays from the Cupola Lead have been weighed & found to be 24/80 ths – per Fodder.

Price of Lead £17. 5 per Fodder - Silver 5s/ 10d per Ounce.

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The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467