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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th March 1783 We have just now rec’d. yours of the 17th inst together wth. Thos. Temperleys two last Weeks Coal & Cinder Accounts. We are glad to find your Work will be so soon completed, but not on acct. of the Quantity being Less this year than we would have wished it; That is a matter which we could not alter, and our wish now is that of getting on with the Carriage as soon as possible. We entirely approve of Thos. <Stokoe> being employed as a Smelter, not only on Acct. of his Services which we may reasonably expect from him but because he has in our opinion always behaved himself as an industrious careful man. You cannot too much press the bringing in of the Lead. We intend being at Langley Mill on Wednesday the 7th. May in the Evening, shall settle the Pay Bills & make out Rece.ts the day following, the 9th. make the Lead Carriers Pay, & the 10th. the Lead Mill & Stublick Colliery Pays; and we desire you may send yr. Accts. at any Saturday previous to that time which is convenient to yourselves, and that Thomas Temperley may do the same, and this you are desired to acquaint him with and at the same time deliver him the inclosed Bill of Parcels for Ropes. Mr Wilkinsons Bills both for the Mill & the Colliery are discharged. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner