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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 19th Decemr. 1783 We have recd. your Letters of the 16th & 14th Inst and also the Voucher for the Ore Carriage Pay and are obliged by your correcting the errors made in the Recets. The Cash we are glad proved according to expectation right with the addition of one Shilling, given Mr. James Mulcaster. According to your account of the Reducing business we think that the Furnace Flue ought at all times to be made larger than it has been usual to make it by wch. means we shall be likely to have a better produce than heretofore and possibly the Flue may last longer without Repair, but we will not be sure as to that. We are glad your directions to the Reducers have had the desired effect & hope that they will see it to be their Interest to pursue them & that they will act accordingly. - If you vary the line of the Present Fence in Building the Stone Wall between the Two Gates which it will we have no doubt of it be found a convenience to do we should like to have some part of the now inclosed Ground equal to the Common taken in to be thrown to the Common in lieu of such part as shall be taken therefrom. The Assays are come to hand, that is, several, but what number several means we cannot determine. What we have received are as follows. 2 Refined Lead. 2 Cashburn 2 Refined Do. _ 2 Dowkeyburn - See the Name in yr. List 2 Browngill Sun Vein Dowkesburn shd. be Dowkeburn. You receive herewith Four Recets. for the Rents which you got from the Tenants and desire you will require 2s/6d for the Recets. & Stamps as marked on the Recets. <Humphrey>. Lambs Voucher for carriage from <Keswick> you must keep till Mr. Mulcaster comes down and he is desired to bring all the Operations for this last year since the beginning to carry Ore and we will then alter all so as to to set <Mr. Friend’s .lander headed> Accts. right. We shall be very glad to see Mr. Peter when convenient to him & think he ought to try to <see Mr. Hollier> when he comes down. Yours of the 17 & 18 <inst are arrived> More & <very truly> Walton & Turner