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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18 Nov. 1785 Inclosed we send you the Recet. you gave Mr. Thornton for £52. 10 - the 21st. Sept. last which you may destroy. We also inclose you 3 Receipts which you are desired to deliver to Mr. Thornton on his signing and giving to you for us the inclosed Recet. and he must also pay you for us 2 ¼ d in Cash. You must take the first Opportunity of sending us the Recet. which Thornton signs; you must also get from Mr. Thornton and send us a Receipt which we gave him for a Promissory Note of the late Mr John Johnson for the Sum of £24. 11. 4. The Weather has been so exceedingly favourable lately that we hope you have not only got well on towards a finish of the Works in Hand when we left you, but that you will reach 3000 Bings for Duty this year or near it. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner