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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18th. November 1785 We have this Evening recd. your Letters of the 15th. 16th. & 17 Inst and are extremely angry with Jno. Howdon & Jno. Rewcastle who we may possibly never employ again because to neglect us at such a time of the Year is really unpardonable. We have wrote to Jno. Rewcastle and have insisted upon him and Jno. Howdon asking seriously your pardon & have directed Jno. Rewcastle to show you our Letter which we must insist upon and desire you’ll let us hear from you what effect that Letter has because if it does not bring about everything we wish you may depend upon it we will be otherwise supplied with Contractors. Mr. Menham we will write to about the Rollers for the Stamp Mill. We approve of Joshua Elliot for the Labourer. We inclose you the Notice for Dewey Syke which you ought not to have given out of your custody on any Account. There was no occasion for a Witness but it surely could not do any harm. The Silver is arrived and weighs 1097 Ounces which is within one Ounce of what it ought to have been by Assay & that is good work. The produce of Refined Lead as usual at first with a new Furnace is short the loss being abt. a Tenth. It will be by far the best way to end our Acct. and consider what comes in from Blagill after[war]ds as next years Ore as you proposed. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner