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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18th March 1783 Your Letter of the 13th inst is now before us. We approve of what passed between Mr. Peter Mulcaster & Thos. Friend and think it may possibly bring a letter from Mr. Hall. We are very glad to hear that the Smelting at the Cupola goes on successfully. What you say with regard to Books relative to Smelting &c is very proper, and we shall certainly attend to the matter. You are right in the Determination as to the Refining of Rampgill Slag Lead, as it was & is Intention that it shd. be refined. We are very glad to hear that William Wilson has recovered his lost Pig; but we think he ought to have mentioned the Loss to you as soon as he discovered he had lost a Pig. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner