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Messsrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18 June 1785 We are sorry to find on examining the Lead Carriers Accounts that Wm. Bell was actually 10 pieces short instead of 3, and ought to have paid for 10. The Mistake arose by James Johnson being allowed 7 pieces as sold by him at Hexham to Jno. Bell, being part of 15 which John Bell paid us for when we settled with him for laying the Pipe at Lightbirks. Now it appears from the Operation ending the 30th. October that the whole 15 pieces are there set down as sold to John Bell at the Mill, & consequently no part of those 15 comes into the Newcastle Quantity so that by allowing James Johnson to have sold Bell 7 pieces of the Lead which he had taken to carry to Newcastle, Jno. Johnsons Quantity overrun 7 pieces, and we made him give Mr. Wm. Bell a Receipt for 7 towards making up his Shorts, but it is clear we ought not to have allowed those 7 to go to Mr. Wm. Bell, nor ought we to have given James Johnson Credit for the Delivery of the 7 to Jno. Bell the Plumber, and then James Johnson’s Account wd. have been right & Wm. Bell wd. have been 10 short. James Johnson recd. at the Mill 3308 & you are desired to make immediate Enquiry of him from whom he recd. any Lead and what Quantity from each person. We expect that the Quantity wch. he recd. from some of the Carriers was 46 which makes his whole Quantity 3354 He deliv.d at Newcastle 3341 He sold to Mr. Bullock at Hexham 12 and he sold to some other person whose name you must get 1 3354 If what I desired had been attended to, which was that you wd. examine your Accounts of Lead sold at the Mill, the Mistake mentioned on the other side could not possibly have happened, and I daresay you will distinctly recollect that I repeatedly desired you to examine into it. It will be proper to give Mr. Wm. Bell as early an intimation abt. this matter as possible. Being now on the Subject of Lead sold at the Mill, I think it necessary to state to you the Particulars. Lead set down in the Operations When and of whom Recd. for as sold at the Mill by Messrs. Walton and Turner In June 1784 to Jno Lowes Esqr 1 1784 Oct 16 Messrs. Mulcaster Do. Octr 1784 to John Bell 15 1784 Octr 22 John Bell Do. to James Johnson 3 1785 June 13 Messrs. Mulcaster only 2 Do. to Susanna Bell 1 1785 June 13 Messrs. Mulcaster Do. to John Toppin 1 1785 June 13 Messrs. Mulcaster Dec or Nov 1784 to James Johnson 1 1785 June 13 Messrs. Mulcaster From the above it appears that James Johnson has only <pd. you> for 3 pieces instead of 4. It is desired that not one Pig of Lead more may be sold at the Mill. I am Your Humble Servant Nich. Walton Junr.