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Messrs. Mulcaster From the above [below] it wd. seem that the above 7 pieces were not part of the 15 that John Bell pd. us for, if so and Mr. Thornton, James Johnson or John Bell has still to pay for them then we shall be right in having only recd. of Wm. Bell for 3 pieces. You’ll observe that Mr. Thorntons request is dated the 10th of August so that the Lead must have been delivered at Hexham thereabouts by James Johnson but the 15 pieces are set down in the Operation ending 30th. October and consequently must have been delivered at the Mill after the 2nd day of October and before the 31st. of that Month; it therefore seems necesssary to see Mr. Thornton about this and if he cannot clear the matter up, to see John Bell & James Johnson before you speak to Wm. Bell. The 12 pieces we observe were sold Mr. Parker and the single piece to Mr. Bullock. We shall be glad to hear from you about this matter as soon as convenience will permit. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner PS. Both pairs of Bellows for Smelting & the two pair of Bellows for Refining are ordered to be here by the Middle of July. If all 7 are still to pay for pray receive the Money £3. 8. - James Johnson only pd. for <1 cwt> of Cast Lead Carriage Pay Copy Mr. Johnson Hexham 10th. Augst. 1784 You’ll please to deliver to Mr. Bell 7 pieces of Lead which you have recd. from Langley Mill which I will account for. Nicho. Thornton
Undated but assigned same date as previous letter