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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 18 Apl. 1786 We have recd. your Letter of the 10th. Inst with Matthew Temperley’s two last Weeks Coal and Cinder Accounts. The weather is still very cold, but we notwithstanding hope that it will enable you to get the Smelting finished against the time you mention, and we wd. have you keep the Silver ’til you can send all away together; and as we have cut the Piece of Silver which is here into 5 pieces we desire that Box may be made so much larger as to take them in, and therefore we give you their Dimensions on separate pieces of paper inclosed with their Thickness in different parts which will enable you to form a proper judgement what size to make the Box, and you may cut pieces of wood of the sizes of the 5 pieces we have & put them in the Box, and when it comes here, we can take them out and put the pieces of Silver in. You need not mind how rough the pieces of wood are cut. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner