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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 17 Nov. 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 15th. inst and desire you will be so obliging as order the Nails yourselves from where we usually have had them, and if you can save a Shilling by getting the Bags returned, it will be well. We are very much concerned on acct. of the Information you have given us respecting the Blagill Company. In case you shd. happen to be called upon, we have not the least doubt but both of you will acquit yourselves as honest Men. The Company taking the Ore and carrying it to their Mills is, in our opinion, a clear admission of what they have taken and carried being sufficiently well dressed; if there is any Difficulty between the Blagill Company & The Governor and Company we shd. apprehend it wd. only relate to such Ore as is not yet delivered to the Company being part of what was bargained for this year. As to whether the Ore wd. run better by being rewashed which has been delivered at the Mills or to the Gov. & Co.’s Carriers, we do not apprehend that can be necessary to be brot. in Evidence. Notwithstanding what we have said as above, we wish that our Sentiments, as well as yours, may not transpire and perhaps it may not be amiss for you to be making out an Acct. to shew the Difference of Produce from Lough Vein Ore and Blagill Ore last year & this in proportion to the Quantity of Ore smelted. We have recd. the 2 Weeks Coal Accts. The Weather we have had has been much the same as wth. you, but is now very fine. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner