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Farnacres 17th Janry. 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have recd your Letters of the 15th and 16th Inst. and are glad to hear that the Chimney < Doctor> is arrived and heartily wish as you do that a cure may be effected. As we are apprehensive our Letter of the 11th instant has miscarried, therefore we send you the Copy made by the Copying <Clerk>, and, in case the Letter is not arrived when this comes to hand you may copy the inclosed, and then return it. We are very glad to hear that you have lost no more Lead, and much approve of your Conduct respecting Brownley Hill Moss Cross Vein Ore. We think Mr. Ions is determined to drive us to the necessity of discharging him, for he is never punctual in any respect about the carriage of the Leads. We shall write to him this day. We are obliged by the information you have given us as to the Sale of the Brownley hills Company Ore. We had only heard part of the Particulars before. Refined Lead now sells at £19. 8 per Fodder, & Silver is fallen to 6s – ½ p Oz. We are Your Hble. Servts. Walton & Turner