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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 16 June 1783 We have recd. yours of the 8th and have corrected the Errors in the Book of Produces conformable to what you mention. I have Mr. Harbottles Recets. for the 44 Bushels of Rye, but have not yet pd. for the 14 Bolls, nor for the 10 Sacks, but as I have directed him to send back the Money for the 2 Bolls., when I settle with him next I shall pay for 14 Bolls & 10 Sacks unless I find when I go to him that he has not returned the Money for the 2 Bolls. I desire you will continue to order whatever you want or think necessary. I am glad to hear that the Disorder in Alston Moor & the neighbouring parts abates and sincerely hope it will soon entirely cease, but I am very much concerned to hear that poor Mrs. Percival is dead - Any further particulars you may hear abt. this Disorder we shall be much obliged to you for communicating and are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner Pray send the inclosed to Thomas Temperley.