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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 16th. July 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 12th. Instant with Thomas Temperleys last Accounts to the 10th. inst inclusive and Six Assays agreeable to what you mention. What you propose respecting Tyne Bottom Ore is very proper, but it must reported in your Operation at least for this Year [underlined: ‘Tyne Bottom formerly called Hill Close’], as the Ore is raised out of Hill Close Vein. If the Ore is not to be got carried on account of a real want of Carriers we doubt we must be tender and not push the Lessees too hard, we shall however not rashly determine upon what we are to do & will not say anything further at present on this subject but that we have seen Mr. Jobling who is willing that we shd. take up our share as fast as they wash up and agree to weigh the whole five parts and lay four by for the Company. We have written to Messrs. Temperley & Friend agreeable to your wishes and intimations to us. We are Your Humble Servants Walton & Turner PS.We hope your Peat Harvest goes on well.