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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 15th. March 1784 We have recd. your Letter of the 13th. inst with the Assays involved. We are glad to see that the Reducing continues as good as we observe our Loss in the extracting of the last 81 Fodders is something better than between a Twelfth and Thirteenth. We desire to have an Operation made out on the last Saturday of this Month, and the Operation after finishing the Slag Hearth &c Work may be made up at such time as you make a finish for last years Ore. We expect to receive the Rents at Hexham on the 3rd & 4th. of May, & shall probably make the Pay on the 6th. of May at Langley Mill and we desire that 2 Operat[io]n Papers may be made out for April, one for the finishing of the Work, which we wd. have carried forward as far as the 24th. of that Month, and the other to end also upon the 24th. of that Month, and to take in such Articles as may relate to the Ore which shall be brought in during the Course of the present Year. We are very glad to hear you have got the Bricks & Clay all safe. Lead & Silver continue the same as when we last wrote. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We are obliged by your care of Thos. Temperleys Letter.