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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 15 Jany. 1785 We very much approve of what you have done concerning the Lead Carriage, and are under no concern whatsoever as to the Governor & Co. On looking into the Newcastle Acct. of Lead Carriage we observe that Wm. Bell has not deliv[ere]d a Pig of Lead there from the 1st. of November to the 23rd. December, but that Wm. Havelock has been carrying most of that time. With regard to the <Necessary> at Harsondale as Mr. Thornton has contracted for the Work, we desire it may be proceeded with under that Contract, but it is expected you will see that the Work is done to your own Satisfaction. We are glad to see that the Smelting is going on so well, but doubt the <Frost> will hinder you again; we shall however not blame you if it shd. be so. We are very much surprised that so extraordinary a thing shd. happen at Stublick Colliery as the decreasing of the <Seam> of Coal from 28 to 19 Inches, and that we shd. not hear from the very man whom we employ there, but we are not more surprised at this Behaviour of his than we are at not hearing from him concerning some Coals which he left at Scremerston and <duly> forgot to say anything abt. them ’til very <late> tho’ we have written to him abt. them since and desired to know how he had left the matter as to their being disposed of, he has not vouchsafed to give us an answer. The Silver is arrived & weighs 858 Ounces. We observe you have recd. £20 from Thos. Coats which with £15 before recd. makes the £35 agreed upon. We have recd. Matthew Temperley’s Accounts and the Six Assays you mention. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. All your letters in January are dated 1784 except one.