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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 15 April 1785 We have recd. your Letter of the 14th. inst, but nothing from John <Bewcastle>. Our Engagements are now so thick upon us that we are very happy you did not come down agreeable to our interest. As to the Pay and other Matters, they will be best settled when we are at the Mill, but we think it will be necessary to make Agreements for the Leadings as soon as possible; however as Mr. Thornton’s Time will be much taken up on acct. of the Valuation of some Wood at Altonside & the Attendance abt. the Recets., we desire you will not stop for him, but do according to the best of your own Judgement. We thank you for your Enquiries and Account concerning George Moon. You will see an Advertizement for the letting of the farm he has proposed for, and this matter may rest ’til we are at Hexham. We are glad to hear that the Cut is continuing from the Dam Eastward, and we have the pleasure to acquaint you that we have full Directions to proceed with the needful as to Blagill Mill &c, and desire that the first step may be to make the Office, as that is a place which will be wanted very soon. We have ordered the Carpenters to come down to take off the Wood & Deals immediately and expect to see Mr. Wm. Jobling here tomorrow Morning. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner PS. We only heard from Mr. Ibbetson by this Day’s Post.