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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 14 May 1783. The above [as set out in the letter of 13th May] will serve as an answer to the first part of your Letter of the 12th. inst. I have ordered Deals for the Doors as also for the Boxes &c the latter of which will come slit, and you will receive them by the <Hexham> Carrier of Friday and as I expect, at the same time 2 Box. Crucibles, the Iron &c and the Locks you will probably not receive ‘till Monday, but as I am to be in Town tomorrow, I will order them if I have time to arrive by Fridays Carrier. I hope you have taken care to mark the Lead of this years Ore with 83 which mark must be continued to the ending of the Accts. <wch. as Thomas Ions> has promised his people shall behave well for the time to come the Carriers may go as <well>. I am for Mr. Turner & Self Your Hble Servt. Walton & Turner PS. You are desired to as obliging as pay[in]g Thos. Temperley <£1 18s> for which we will give you Recet. and you are desired to send that to us at the first Opportunity.