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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 14th. March 1786 We have already wrote to you concerning the Carriage of the Lead, but take this Opportunity of repeating that the price of Carriage for the whole of the Lead marked 85 is to be 12d. per piece from the Mill to Newcastle, and consequently 11d. per piece to Dukes Hall. The Behaviour of the Elliots concerning the Lead Mine at Haydon Bridge had been particularly ridiculous, and looks as if it had been intended with a View to prove that they could tell Lies. Your Opinion and Advice concerning the Herds House we are much obliged to you for, and think it will be right to let that Matter rest for the present, & we shall certainly do so unless we shd. be applied to further on the Occasion. We are Yr. Hble Servts Walton & Turner PS. We have now very fine Weather, but it is we suppose a hard Frost wth. you as it is a North air. We shall be glad to hear as soon as you may when you think you will be able to make a Lead Mill pay.