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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 14 July 1783 We have recd. yours of the 11th instant by wch. we are very much obliged, and have this day written to Mr. Jos. Hall & Mr. Friend, and desire you will peruse the whole <& pack> them up as you now receive them. In our way to Alston we propose dining at Langley Mill on the 10th of next Month, shall stay there that Night, and the next Morning go forward to Alston. Tho’ Hay will, we expect, be dear, we desire you will purchase some for us against we come, as we really think it is hazardous feeding our Horses wth. the Hay wch. grows near Langley Lead Mill. In our way from Alston we wish to see everything at works, & desire that a Cake of Silver may be taken off at that time, concerning wch. we desire to have some conversation wth. you on our Arrival at the Mill the 10th of next Month. Lead now sells at £19. 10. per Fod[der] refined Silver at 6s. 3d. per Ounce We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner