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Farnacres 14th February 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster With this you receive 100 Hand Bills from Proprietors of Lead Mills and 8 from the Corporation of Newcastle respecting the stealing of Lead. This matter has been at my instance warmly taken up by Mr Blackett Mr Hopper &c. and will I hope and doubt not be made a general concern of and I flatter myself this step of Advertizing and Associating will at least check this growing evil and in due time put an entire stop to it. I am sure I need not tell you what to do with the Hand Bills but I think it necessary to acquaint you that they must be called at all the Churches and Chapels in Allendale, Whitfield & Warden and affixed upon the Church and Chapel Doors as also upon all Turnpike Gates. I beg that the calls may be made on Sunday first & the distribution of the Bills made as quickly as possible. It will also be proper to have them called at Hexham and Allendale Town Markets and fixed upon all places which are conspicuous or much frequented & therefore Smiths Shops must not be neglected nor Lead Mill & Refinery Doors. Whatever you see further to be necessary you will of course do. I am Your Humble Servant Nich. Walton Junr. PS I will get Mr. Chr. Bell to take care of Summerrods Dilston and Farnley Turnpike Barrs and do you attend to Nubbuck.