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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 14th. Augt. 1785 We have this moment recd. your Letters of the 11th. & 13th. inst, and are very happy to find that the Works have got so well on, and that the 4 Hearths at the Upper Mill have started, and it will give us great satisfaction to hear that every thing answers well. We are glad the wood is arrived, but are much surprised that the Nail Rods are not as we gave particular Directions that they might be forwarded without a Moments Delay. We <deem> we have made the Mistake you mention as to the Quantity of Lead deliv[ere]d from the Mill since last Pay, having taken in the 28 which were melted by the Plumber as having been deliv[ere]d for Newcastle. We approve of what you have done as to the intimation of an intention of carrying Lead to Dukes Hall, and doubt not that every thing will be ready when any of our Lead goes there. The Assays you mention are come safe to hand. Mr. Walton and probably Mr. Turner intend paying you a visit when the Blagill Mill is near upon being finished, and by that time we shall hope to see our own Refining & Reducing at work; but possibly Mr. Walton may be with you before that time; that is however my intention. The Parcels of Iron recd. from Wilkinson & Cookson which were deliv[ere]d at Newcastle the 18th. April containing in the whole 42 Bars & 8 pieces of rolled Iron, all the Cast Iron Plates recd. by you from Mr. Harrison, & all the Timber & Deals deliv[ere]d by Mr. Harvey are charged to the Alterations & additions now going on at Langley Mill, but the Screen Plates & Screw Stocks as also the 8 Bars of Swedish Iron sent from Newcastle to the Mill on the 11 April are charged to Langley Mill, and this carries us to the time of making the last Lead Mill Pay. All the Iron got since of Messrs. Wilkinson & Cookson is charged to Langley Mill, but the Chains from Mr. Hawks are charged to Blagill Mill. The Nails got from Messrs. Taylor (concerning which you will remember there was a difference & they made an Abatement) were charged to Langley Mill, but those got since from them have been charged to the new works. We have thought it necessary to be thus particular as we think it proper to inform you lest there shd. be any Clash between the Mill Accounts & the new Works, and we are perfectly satisfied of every necessary attention in consequence of this intimation. We are Your Hble Servants Walton & Turner PS. We have had a very Wet day with the Wind at N.W.