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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 13 June 1786 We have recd. yours of the 12th. Inst. All is right as to the Deals sent you, and we altered the Order for the Deals you sent for because we saw that the <Tare> was to take place. Under the Circumstances you mention we desire the Deals may be nailed with the <Sap> on, and by all means on the outside of the Posts, and when the <Sap> fails it may be dressed off and additional Deals put on, but we think it will not be amiss to have some sheeting of Deals under the lowest of the <Boards> to catch the Water as it comes down the sides and carry it into the Wheel Case. Thus – [image here] If you had told me what Quantity of Timber you wanted for the Posts in yr. last Letter, we wd. have ordered it Immediately, but shall order the Quantity you mention to be sent by John Corbett on Friday. We are Your Hble. Servts Walton & Turner