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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 13th July 1785 We have this day had a full conversation wth. Mr. Bedlington about the Lead Carriage and have agreed with him conditionally to carry our Lead from the Turnpike Road to Lemmington and from there to Newcastle at 1 ½ a piece he to pay all charges for Tickets Bankage and Waggon way keeping so that it will be clear 1 ½ to be pd. by us & he will be ready to begin when we will. The only thing therefore now to be fixed is with the Lead Carriers who will bring Lead so far upon the Road and it is thought necessary to acquaint you with the following advantages which will arise to them by the business being carried on in this way rather than by going to Newburn. 1st. The place where the Lead is proposed to be delivered is close to the Turnpike Road and about half a Mile further (no more) than the Lane end which leads to Newburn so that the delivery will be easier than to Newburn and the Road always good. 2nd. The Bankage will be pd. by Mr. Bedlington wch. will make a difference of 6d. per Fodder compared with what was the case when the Carriers went to Newburn. 3rd. The Carriers will have an opportunity of being Loaded at the place of delivery wth. Coals as back carriage. Under these circumstances we cannot but think that 10d. a piece will do to this new place but if the Country Carriers will not take that certainly 10 ½ will be fully sufficient. Mr. Pattinson had but be talked to before you say anything to the rest of the Carriers and Atkinson of Bagraw after which we shall be glad to hear from you. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner