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Messrs. Mulcaster Farnacres 13th. January 1787 Above [below] you have an Account shewing the Quantity of Lead still undelivered at Newcastle, which we are sorry to see is more than we expected it would have been. As soon as possible after all is come in and we can settle an Acct. you may depend upon our giving you leave again to begin the Delivery from the Mill. We are Your Humble Servts. Walton & Turner An Account shewing the Quantity of Lead delivered from Langley Mill for Newcastle from 1st. June to and with the 8th. Decemr. 1786 and the Quantity of Lead delivered at Newcastle from 1st.June 1786 to & wth. 11th. January 1787. Pieces Pieces Delivered from Langley Mill 5949 Delivered at Newcastle & by whom William Bell 333 John Bell 396 John Corbett 697 George Dickinson 12 George Goodbed 2730 Wm. Havelock 30 James Johnson 553 Thomas Robson 244 Willm. Wilson 61 Robert Wilson 7 5063 Lead yet on the Road between the Mill & Newcastle 886