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Farnacres 13th February 1783 Messrs. Mulcaster We have received your letter of the 6th. instant. As the people at <Newburn> have <got right again>, we desire you will <rest make every Att...> for the present. The Weight of Assays shall be set right agreeable to your Letter. The very particular Acc[oun]t you give us respecting <the stealing> of Lead we thank you for, and Mr. Walton has been in Newcastle this day waiting upon the Owners of Lead Mills, and we hope it will be made a Matter of general Concern, and that you will <serve the Advertisement in> this Weeks paper. The Govr. & Co., Henr. Errington Esqr. & Co., and <Dr.> Hall have not yet been applied to, but Mr. Blackett [ie. John Erasmus Blackett] & Wm. Monkhouse & Co. are warmly disposed for making it a joint Concern, and we flatter ourselves all the rest will join. We are Your Hble. Servts Walton & Turner PS. We think the Justices ought to have compelled <Brownhope> to disclose of whom he got the Lead, and on <finding> of his doing so, he certainly ought to have been been <convicted>.