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Messrs. Mulcaster 12 January 1787 We have this Moment recd. your Letter of the 10th. Inst. and very much approve of what you have done respecting the Pig of Lead at Corbridge, but we shd. be particularly glad to know what Evidence can be met with to prove Abram. Fawcetts having found a Pig of Lead and that it is in his Custody, because if Fawcett will not deliver the pig of Lead, we think it wd. be right to have a Search Warrant, and if then found in his Custody, to charge him wth. stealing it with a view to exploit Money from the Carrier, but upon this Head we will consult Mr. Fawcett tomorrow. We have recd. your Acct. of Lead delivered from the Mill to the sev[era]l Carriers with Stocks & Delivery according to the Information which you have got; which last, the Stocks & Delivery we believe will not be found to answer. We are Your Hble Servts. Walton & Turner